Monday, February 23, 2009

Thing 8

I have succeeded in creating a "delicious" account. Unfortunately this meant yet another user name as mine was taken. debjmiller is my "delicious" account in case anyone is looking for me. I have some cool bookmarks and have found some through others. I have to make time tomorrow at school to add the bookmarks I have there. It will be great to have access to all my bookmarks on any computer; however, remembering were all this info is in the cyber world may still be a problem. Keeping all the user names and passwords straight is also a problem. Maybe one of the future "things" will teach me how to do that. I feel more comfortable sharing these professional interests then sharing pics and personal info. I keep asking my college kids for help and they have no idea what I have gotten into; there must be some other sites that are popular with their age group for these purposes.


  1. Here's a trick I use to remember what user name and password I need for each account. When I name the site as a favorite I name it like this:
    Site Name,username,password

    BUT make sure you don't share those sites on delicious for obvious reasons.

    Hope this helps...

    Sue Foshag

  2. Here are a couple of ideas for remembering passwords.

    My favorite is to download and install the Last Pass plug in for your browser. It remembers passwords, log-ins, and can even create secure passwords. All information is stored in a secure vault that only you (the user) can access. All you have to remember is one password. I love it. http:/

    Another one I got from an article on online security. Let's assume that my usual user name is “ssz” and I am establishing an Account at

    First, I decide on a pattern for any site. I decide to use the 1st, 2nd, last letter in the site name and a number. I capitalize the second letter. So for this site I end up with: aMn6 (I use the same number and pattern for each site.)

    Then I for the password, I tack on my user name plus a number. So now I have: aMn6ssz3

    If the site requires a symbol I just add it to the end I usually add an underline. So now I have: aMn6ssz3_

    I then use this system for each site: Examples:

    Target: tAt6ssz3 or tAt6ssz3_
    Netflix: nEx6ssz3 or nEx6ssz3_

    I think you get the idea, but Last Pass is easier.
