Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thing 10

I loved the Google Docs create a survey.
I hope the tech in my building will allow my students to take this short survey after their project is created. I chose the Young Author's process as the subject and easily created 5 questions of different types to gather their perspective on the project process. Feedback from students will help to build a better program and identify problems of which I was not aware. Hopefully, this can drive instruction to better serve the population I teach. I can see how this may help with other curricular areas and how this could also be used to bring parents into the process by making them feel that their opinions are valued and considered when creating projects for their children. This could benefit the Community Involvement piece of our School Improvement documents bringing more information and ideas to the table to be considered to drive curriculum decisions and school operations.

Thing 9

Now I have found 2 things I may actually use. The Google Docs sound interesting as I could access and work on my own files at home without losing info due to computer malfunction. I also cannot access info I have save on the schools network from outside the school setting so this would give me a lot more flexibility to review and purge things I do not use and revamp those I do. I could also collaborate with my Art teacher on a joint project on the days we are in separate buildings without the hassle of who has the last word before planning time is up. Although, I am not sure I could collaborate with my teaching partner (no computer access, yes there are still people out there without a home computer), I could access my info from her classroom computer and assist with updating info. I could also see how we could share a field trip (yes I think doing things in the real world is still important) with a student that was not able to attend; via a slide show or a video feed. I think students would be thrilled to be a tour guide via Internet for a student that could not attend. We have a trip coming up I would love to try this for. If I could have this ready for that in April that would be awesome.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thing 8

I have succeeded in creating a "delicious" account. Unfortunately this meant yet another user name as mine was taken. debjmiller is my "delicious" account in case anyone is looking for me. I have some cool bookmarks and have found some through others. I have to make time tomorrow at school to add the bookmarks I have there. It will be great to have access to all my bookmarks on any computer; however, remembering were all this info is in the cyber world may still be a problem. Keeping all the user names and passwords straight is also a problem. Maybe one of the future "things" will teach me how to do that. I feel more comfortable sharing these professional interests then sharing pics and personal info. I keep asking my college kids for help and they have no idea what I have gotten into; there must be some other sites that are popular with their age group for these purposes.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thing 7

I am enjoying reading everyone's comments and what they are finding out about what is useful in the new Web 2.0 world that is moving at turbo-speed. I am looking for the answer on how to manage all the time factors involved. I posted comments on several blogs as it seems most of us are in the same boat. I am a little worried about the next few things as I am not interested in having my pics posted anywhere, but will have to get into the content before ruling it out. I see a lot of useful info out there for students but screening out the bad influences is a concern.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thing 6

I am intrigued by the bloglines that can be monitored for you and you receive new info without ending up on every spam and mailing list in the universe. I am still not convinced that there is enough time in my day to monitor and digest this information but I am willing to give it a try. This blogline subscriber gives new meaning to "the more you know, the more you know you don't know..." I feel like I am trying to get to the moon in a paper airplane I created myself. (a little overwhelmed). Hopefully, the more I can use it, I will be able to manage the management part and not find new ways to fill an already overfilled day. I am keeping an open mind, I am most worried about my ability to keep up with the ever changing world ..... I love tech, but am not sure I can keep up.

On a side note: I was having trouble getting the bloglines to subsribe to my blog aggregate (or something) so I asked the 21 year old college student to help me.... he couldn't .... he doesn't blog. He does everything else so I am a little shocked. I might be smarter than a 5th grader. I will let you know.

Apparently, I forgot an important part: my Bloglines name is: 4thteach

Thing 5

This Web 2.0 sounds like an exciting tool in the classroom. I was intrigued by the possibilities this technology could provide for our students. My worry is the amount of time that would be involved in searching out, screening, and creating these sources that would be age appropriate for the elementary level. My worry also, which has come to bare with field trips is that parking kids in front of a screen for even more time may not be the best choice for elementary kids. We have been encouraged to take Virtual Field trips, speakers, etc; however, there is still a benefit to old fashioned hands-on learning and face to face interaction and manipulation of materials. We need to be careful not to replace our own intelligence and common sense with this new technological artificial intelligence. We still need to practice the art and skill of thinking and problem solving.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thing 4

There is a lot more going on in the 21st Century than I was ever aware of. I knew there was a lot I did not know from watching my young adult kids learn, relax, "spend time with their friends" (in their rooms in front of a computer, I had to get on my bike and ride to their homes and ask their parents if I could come in.....). I find this new tech both intriguing and very intimidating. So many people now have access to my home and my "kids". This opens new doors for all of us that aren't always as safe as I would like. In order to stay safe in this new techie world, we must be life long learners to keep up, otherwise we will be eaten or left behind. I have been scammed in the past by not being aware of all that is out there and the possibilities that are involved. A little knowledge is dangerous, you need to truly be educated in the capabilities even if you are not going to integrate them into your daily life, just for self-preservation. The more you know - the more you need to know. It all seems a little overwhelming, but I am hoping that through these 'things" I will gain some confidence, competence, and control of this new 21st century world. It is here whether I am ready or not.....

Thing 3

Well, day 3 and I am finally in and working. Yesterday, I left my list of passwords at school so I couldn't get in. Today, I had a lot of problems with passwords, new passwords, newer passwords, and finally figured out that the posted link is incorrect. Hopefully, everything is straightened out and I am good to go. My own kids (young adults) think this is pretty funny that I am learning these new things and dragging myself into the new era. We will see how well I adapt. I liked some of the things I saw that other teachers were doing, however, I will have to see if it will translate to elementary school.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thing 1

I may finally understand what my own teenagers and post teenagers have been up to for the past few years. I hope I am able to catch up with enough speed to actually make my new knowledge useful. I have successfully downloaded the information except the excel form which seems to have a rather large text box that will not go away that blocks most of the form. If I can't figure it out soon I may have to ask a fifth grader or a post-teenager for help. So far so good, I think.