Monday, April 13, 2009

Thing 23

Wahooo!! I finished. Now all I have to do is update my log and turn in the assignment. What a ride!! I thought I was keeping up with all the new things out there .... now there is that old adage: The more you know the more you need to know. I used to think I was smart and then I learned a few things and oh my there is way more out there then I could have imagined. I hope when there is a new development of some "things" we can have another online course to learn them ..... there is so much out there this type of collaboration is the only way we can utilize and find things.

My PLAN: I was inspired by the 23 Things Course to put together a technology proposal for my district for a 3M Infinity Projection System. My proposal was approved. I now need to develop a library of tools to use with my students to better engage and inspire them. I need to assimilate and incorporate all these things into my daily teaching ..... sounds like a lot of work but I think it falls in the category of "work smarter not harder".

I had several episodes of why won't this work right so I feel that prepares me to work with my students using these tools as I was able to search, ask colleagues, beg, and let it go for another day in order to get things to work. I also found other tools and discoveries when certain things would not work.

In addition, I had an immediate practical application. My sister works for a uniform delivery service and needed to develop a method for answering and documenting call logs. These documents needed to be fluid so they could be updated by those responding to customer service requests, complaints or other issues. Drivers would pile notes of various types and quality on her desk at the end of the day which would take too many man hours to sort and log the old fashioned way. Customers would call again before updates would be made and communication was shared through the departments. I told her about GoogleDocs. She could create the same spread sheet she was tracking on her computer that drivers, service personnel and managers could access with their Blackberries while on the road. Drivers are learning to upload their own comments so that customers are handled more efficiently. It is too early to tell but her boss currently thinks she is a genius. She says thanks Feb23things!!


  1. Congratulations on the proposal being approved! Nice work.

  2. What a great application of GoogleDocs! And let me know how the 3M system works.

  3. I really enjoyed your latest post regarding the 23 Things. I can relate to the feelings of success and elation you've experienced when your new knowledge is actually productive for you! I've been pretty resistant about incorporating technology for much more than analyzing data. Who would have thought we could expand our programs for students and actually have fun?
