Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thing 14

I searched the wikkis site and found a great link for Math for 3rd - 6th grade. The link: . I posted it to the wikki on the MCISD page of course. I found that one could spend a whole day finding and developing useful links to utilze in the classroom. This could easily become addictive and there is no possible way to get through it all. I think this will be great to utilize materials that can be downloaded, or site based with students as teaching materials in the standard form are expensive and become quickly outdated. It is also difficult to capture and keep elementary students attention in the video game era with the standard text book and worksheets (who wants to spend time grading them anyway). I will have to strike a balance because paper/pencil testing is still the norm, so the skills will need to be translated. Great resource, made the price of the class worth all the work to get this info.

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