Monday, April 13, 2009

Thing 22

Finally,there might be some PD that is actually teacher specific. Not everyone learns at the same rate or in the same way, that is what the teacher is for, so why do we provide learning for teachers that is lecture based, not specific to a learning style or need, and not something the teacher needs to know in a given year. I think teacher specific PD done online with the Learning Port would be awesome. We could work individually or is small groups on particular issues we have in our actual classroom. I have been to a lot of PD that is a sales pitch for a particular method, hardware, or software that the district has no intention of buying into. The learning methods and ideas may be valid and awesome but they may be impractical in the for the situation. I would love to have music therapy for special needs or extra hands for a multi-stepped project, but these things are not always available. Through the Michigan Learning Port teachers can choose what they are interested in, what they need help with, a particular special needs focus, and more. These PD plans could even be reviewed and approved by Admin if necessary. I would love to do PD in my PJ's, but I would be even more excited about PD that was relevant to my situation in the given time period. Hooray!!

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